Approaching Spring

Spring commences next week and over the last few days we have had snow, hail, torrential rain and strong winds.  I have taken some time out of my normal routine to work in the garden and photograph some pops of colour, I hope you enjoy them.

Buffy has been ogling the rampant frogs and the immense quantities of frogspawn.  This bodes well for our section of the larger ecosystem and strengthens my resolve to be pesticide-free (i'm thinking slug and snail control).

This is the first time I have witnessed the Euphorbia amygdaloides var. robbiae come into flower.  I just love the zingy contrast at the tips.

This Primula denticulata was almost hidden beneath the lush foliage of the surrounding shade-loving evergreen ferns and Geum.

The Camellia japonica 'Desire' has started to flower, I'm not sure why the edges of the outer petals are brown its not occurred prior to this moment.

Even on clay, the Pulmonaria pop up all over the place and I love them, as do the early bee visitors.

As the older foliage from the Euphorbia stygiana age, they turn this brilliant pillar-box red colour which is stunning.  This isn't strictly for clay soil, however I have improved the area by digging lots of grit and sand into the planting area.  It seems to like it. 

This heather beneath the Betula is in full-swing, I forget the names, theres one beneath each tree in the trio.

The Berberis 'Goldilocks' in a shady corner has begun to really establish itself and we are rewarded at this time of the year with these gorgeous grape-like clusters of orange goodness which will soon open as tiny individual flowers.

Finally, and saved from a GC bargain corner, this Prunus cerasifera 'Nigra' has blossomed for the first time.  I'm so glad I positioned it here in front of the Potting Shed, that contrast in colour is just lovely.


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