
As it is #Pridemonth I thought it would be good to celebrate some of the diversity visiting the garden.

This female Greenfinch visited on the same day that a Great-spotted Woodpecker came to peck insects from tree bark (unfortunately a missed photo opportunity).  

This Goldfinch comes every day to feast on Nyger seeds usually as a pair.  Pretty little things and so sociable chatting away in the tree canopy.

This Longhorn Beetle feeding on the nectar from a Rogersia was a lucky find as they live as adults for just 2-4 weeks.

This Speckled Wood butterfly sunning itself by the pond is a regular summer visitor to this part of the garden.  I love sitting watching them circling around in pairs above the water.

A new adult Dragonfly emerges from its Nymph discarded on the stem to the right.  Soon it will open its wings and find the courage to make its first flight.

A Small Red Damselfly (we have lots of blue ones too) relaxes on this Hosta leaf.

So much to see when your heart and eyes are open. 


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