Hot border

Last year I planted a 3m² area that can be seen from the kitchen window with annuals such as cosmos bipinnatus and perennials such as verbena and rudbeckia.  This worked well but the cosmos became really tall (over 6 foot) and straggly just prior to flowering.  By Octobers windy weather it began to look a bit of a mess. 

With the recent changes to our surroundings we have decided to take advantage of the suns aspect by creating a Hot Border in this bed which we are going to really pack with plants grown from seed.

Today the bed has been tidied as the before and after pictures hopefully show.

The cosmos were recently composted, a large potbound Daylily (Hemerocallis ‘Autumn Red’) has been freed and split three ways before being given a home towards the front of the border.  The verbena have been moved to the back against the low brick wall prior to their new-year trim.  The soil has been raked and mulched with a thick layer of delicious homemade compost ready for planting next spring.   

The plan is to plant yellow and orange Heleniums, Rudbeckias, Crocosmia and anything else that takes our fancy in drifts amongst the Daylilies and the Euphorbias and really pack the bed full. 


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