
Showing posts from September, 2016

Trellis frame & Dutch honeysuckle

Earlier in the year we bought some Dutch Honeysuckle which is now in bloom.  Instead of growing it directly up the fence we have grown it away from the fence so that it gets rain water.  We have achieved this by using two narrow fence posts placed in the ground parallel to the fence using fence spikes and attaching a trellis panel across the two posts.  This has created a two meter planting screen for climbers.   Hopefully in a few years the climbers will fill the void in between the trellis and the fence and sustain nesting wildlife, honeysuckle also attracts moths.  


We have the dreaded duckweed in the pond.  Unfortunately there is not much we can do about it apart from ensuring the pond doesn't get like this again and at least 1/3 of the pond is not covered in it.  We need to begin to maintain the area more effectively by taking dead growth from the pond and using a net to carefully lift out any leaves that have dropped in.

Gunnera manicata

Think we can call that a success... We love it so much we have bought a second younger plant.